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29: Scaling From 1 to 65 Units in 8 Months with Sam Rust

Ben Welch | Dan Mackin

Sam Rust - Real Estate Investor

On Christmas Day, 2017 Sam Rust sat down and read Multifamily Millions from cover to cover and decided that he would buy a multifamily property in 2018. Eight months later he closed on a 64 unit property in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Sam used a method known as syndication and we talk through the entire process of how he was able to get this deal done in such a short amount of time. We go through how to build relationships with brokers, how to analyze a deal, how to raise money, how to structure the syndication and how to manage the property to hit profit targets.

If you are thinking about multifamily real estate syndication, this episode is a great guide that walks through the entire process and shows that doing a deal like this is completely possible in your first year.


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